Parkend Primary School

Foxes Class 

Welcome to Year 3 and Year 4               

Teacher: Mrs Wood

Teaching Assistants: Mrs S Thorne 

 Autumn Term Information


Children are expected to arrive at school by 8.45am. The gates will be open at 8.35pm and registers will be taken at 8.45am, any child arriving after this time will be marked as late. 

Please ensure that your child is wearing the expected uniform and refer to our uniform information section for further guidance.  


Homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and will be due on the following Monday.  This will usually be Maths or English and may relate to one of the topics we are studying. If your child doesn’t understand what they need to do, please remind your child to ask their teacher for support. 

Reading Books

Children should be bringing in their books daily and putting them in the reading book box as they enter the classroom. We recommend that your child / children read a minimum of three times per week  as this is essential for their progress in reading. 

Children are encouraged to read aloud to an adult as often as possible. Please listen to them read, ask questions about the text and read to them to model good expression. Children should keep notes in their reading records themselves, but please feel free to add a note yourself, be sure you or they have included the date and page they have got to. 

Some children will have practise reading books; these are changed once a week. It is encouraged the children read this book three times a week and also take home a sharing book. This is a book that the children have chosen off the book shelf to share with an adult at home. 


Children have been given usernames and passwords to TTRockstars.  This is an online maths games that will help them to develop their maths skills. TT Rockstars will develop their mental maths skills with multiplication and division. 

Children need to be practising their time's tables as often as possible. Year 4’s are now expected to complete an online times table assessment during the Summer Term. We will prepare children for this in school, but please continue to support them at home. We will be playing plenty of multiplication shootouts in class!

Once your child is confident with x2, x5, x10 multiples, it is recommend they go onto practice x3, x4, x8 then x11, x6, x9, x12 and x7. 


Now that the children are juniors they are no longer provided with a piece of fruit at playtimes.  We recommend that you send your child with a piece of fruit each day.

Water bottles

Please can you provide your child with a named water bottle at the start of the year. Water bottles will be sent home at the end of each day to be washed thoroughly. The children will be able to refill with fresh water throughout the day. 

PE Kits

Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school. PE is on a Monday.  When the weather is colder you may wish to send your child with joggers over their shorts, as they might get cold throughout the day.  Children should not be wearing earrings to school on PE days. Our PE sessions will now be lead by specialists from ProStars

Biking - Follow My Lead 

The children will be taking part in biking sessions with Follow My Lead, however this will next start next term. They will need to wear tracksuit bottoms or leggings, with normal uniform on top. They may also need gloves in colder weather. They do not need to bring in helmets. 


The children will be swimming every Wednesday up until October Half term. A separate letter will be sent.