Parkend Primary School

Pupil Premium

As a school, we continually review the impact of pupil premium spending on outcomes for our pupils. We look at recent data in Reading/Writing/Maths standards and any other outcomes and analyse whether the funding could have been spent in any other way to improve standards. If it can, then we re-direct funding in order to achieve the best possible outcome for pupils.


What is Pupil Premium?

In primary schools Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils from reception to Year 6 and close the gap between them and their peers.

Pupil premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, like special schools and pupil referral units.

In April 2012,  pupil premium funding was extended to children eligible for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years.

Pupil premium is paid to schools as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their pupils need. Ofsted inspections report on how schools’ use of the funding affects the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.

 Schools are also held to account through performance tables, which include data on:

  • the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding
  • the progress made by these pupils
  • the gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their peers


Identifying disadvantaged pupils

Eligibility for free school meals is used nationally as the main measure of deprivation at pupil level.

This data allows schools to identify pupils who have previously attracted pupil premium funding so support can be accurately targeted. The data can also help schools estimate how much pupil premium funding they will be allocated for budget planning purposes. For further information in relation to free school meals, please click here.

Pupil Premium allocations are made based on the January school census.


Pupil Premium is paid to local authorities in quarterly installments. Local authorities then manage the funding and decide when to pass it on to the schools they fund.

Local authorities also decide how pupil premium funding is allocated in special schools and alternative provision (AP) settings (including pupil referral units).


Headteachers and School Governing Bodies are held accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways:

  • performance tables, which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers
  • requiring schools to publish details online each year of how they are using the pupil premium and the impact it is having on pupil achievement
  • the Ofsted inspection framework, where inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those who attract the pupil premium

Pupil Premium Policy

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School Documentation for Pupil Premium Strategy

 Parkend Pupil Premium Strategy Document 23-24 Reviewed..pdfDownload
 Parkend Pupil Premium Strategy Document 23-24.pdfDownload
 Parkend School Pupil Premium Strategy Document 22-23.pdfDownload
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